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Hillsborough Nursery Facilities

Hillsborough Nursery is a 53 place nursery offering care for children from six months to 8 years.

Hillsborough Nursery Facilities

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Caterpillar room

The caterpillar room is our new baby room for children from 6 months to approximately 18 months. We have a maximum of nine children to three members of staff which ensures our youngest children receive individual time and attention according to their needs.

Our friendly, fully qualified staff develop warm and caring attachments with children and their families to build good partnerships which foster information sharing and a continuation of home routines.

There is a ‘soft surfaced’ secure outdoor area for the children to enjoy regular outdoor play,  and also a secure garden where they can enjoy further outdoor adventures.

Ladybird room

The ladybird room is a welcoming, safe and stimulating environment for children aged approximately 18 months to 2.5 years.

We offer a wide range of experiences for children to explore and experiment which include, creative activities, sand/water play, sensory area and a ‘soft surfaced’ secure outdoor play area and a garden  where children have daily free-flow indoor/outdoor play.

The children also enjoy imaginary activities, construction with a variety of blocks, role play, home corner, heuristic play and treasure baskets.

Butterfly room

The butterfly room caters for children from approximately 2.5 - 5 years old. Our highly qualified staff team plan to children’s individual interests and needs to ensure that they develop into confident, curious learners. The children experience a mix of adult and child initiated activities.

We offer children lots of choice through our continuous play provision and encourage independence through praise and encouragement.

We have an extensive and secure outdoor play area which gives the children plenty of scope to develop their physical skills and nurture a curiosity about the natural environment. This includes a secure grassed area with hill and mud kitchen and an area of soft safety surface. Children are offered free-flow indoor/outdoor play throughout the day.