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How can I fund my Access to Higher Education qualification?

Updated: 16.07.21

How can I fund my Access to Higher Education qualification?

19+ Advanced Learner Loans have been designed to support adults over the age of 19 with fees for a number of courses, including Access to Higher Education qualifications. You can apply for the loan before you start so you won’t be out of pocket. 

Am I eligible for a 19+ Advanced Learner Loan?

You are eligible for a loan if you are:

  • Aged 19 or older on the first day of your course (there is no upper age limit to the loan)
  • Studying in England, with a training provider or college who offers the 19+ loan scheme in conjunction with the SFA
  • Studying an Access to HE qualification

Please note if you are aged 19-23 and this is your first full Level 3 course you are legally entitled to full funding and will not need to take out a loan.

Check your eligibility here before you apply for an Advanced Learner Loan.

Is the loan credit checked or means tested?

No - getting a loan doesn’t depend on your income and no credit checks are carried out.

How much will I get?

The amount of money you’ll receive will depend on:

  • Course type
  • Course fees
  • The maximum loan available for your course (the minimum is £300)

When will I repay the loan?

The great news is that if you progress and complete a university course, the 19+ loan is completely wiped meaning you’ll only have to pay off your university student loan*.

Alternatively, the earliest you’ll start repaying is either:

  • the April after you leave your course
  • the April 4 years after the course started, if you’re studying part-time

You’ll only repay when your income is over £511 a week or £2,214 a month (before tax and other deductions), paying back 9% of what you earn over the threshold.

Can I use the loan to cover other costs?

No. If you need help with other costs such as childcare, travel or trips in line with your course you may also be eligible for the Advanced Learner Loan Bursary Fund*. Click here to find out more.

Alternatively, we have several financial support options available to our students. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further or support applying for a bursary.

How do I apply for a loan?

You won’t be able to apply for a loan until you have a ‘learning and funding information letter’ just request this from us and we can sort this for you. You will also need to ensure that you have a national insurance number before the loan can be paid.

You can either apply online or by post. You can download the application form here.

Please remember to include proof of identity within your application.

If you need some independent financial advice please visit the Student Finance website or for further details.

*Subject to eligibility

Now that we’ve cleared that up, time to apply! Click here to view all of our Access courses and apply today

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