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How to support your Apprentice through their End Point Assessment

Updated: 05.02.20

How to support your Apprentice through their End Point Assessment

The End Point Assessment is the final hurdle of any Apprenticeship Standard, and any support employers can give to their Apprentice is crucial.

Here are 7 ways you can support your Apprentice through their EPA…

Determine the End Point Assessor Organisation (EPAO)

Before the date for the EPA can be given, the employer of the Apprentice must choose the EPAO. The EPAO is an organisation separate from both the training provider and employer who will determine the Apprentice’s final grade. Although the employer makes the final choice of EPAO, it is common practice for a discussion to be had with the training provider who can provide guidance about the best fit for each organisation.

Complete the EPA agreement

Once an EPAO has been chosen, the next step is to complete an EPA agreement. This agreement sets the expectations for both the employer and the EPAO, and will also allow your Apprentice to be registered for their EPA.

Register your Apprentice for EPA

The earlier that you register your Apprentice for their EPA, the more support they will be able to receive from the EPAO in regards to completing their final assessment. A large majority of EPAO’s provide access to online tools and recourses upon registration of the Apprentice which can be invaluable in the run up to their EPA.

Aim to start your Apprentice’s gateway period 3 months before their end date

The gateway period starts at the point where the employer, training provider and Apprentice all believe that the Apprentice will achieve the required level of knowledge, skill and behaviour by the date of the EPA. This gateway period normally begins 3 months before the Apprentices end date. Meeting this 3 month guideline should provide the Apprentice with enough time to prepare for their EPA. During this period there may also be some initial assessments to be completed by the Apprentice.

It is important only to begin this gateway period when you are confident of the ability of your Apprentice, if they were to fail the EPA due to lack of knowledge this could result in extra funding being required on your part.

Book EPA date

You will need to suggest a date for the EPA with your chosen EPAO, and this should be at least 60 days in advance. Until you receive a confirmation from the EPAO, the date chosen is open to change. At this point any gateway period documentation will need submitted via the EPAO’s chosen method.

Inform and prepare your Apprentice

Once the EPA date is confirmed it’s time to inform your Apprentice. The importance of passing the EPA cannot be overstated and as such any extra time that can be given to help them prepare for the assessment should be provided. It may be worth considering if the Apprentice needs any extra contact time with their training provider during the gateway period.

Determine route of progression

Once your Apprentice has sat their EPA results are normally provided within 20 days. If the Apprentice has been successful a statement of achievement will be provided from the EPAO, and the Apprenticeship certificate will be sent to the employer in the following month. Should the Apprentice fail their EPA, feedback will be provided so they can prepare for their re-sit.

Now that the EPA is complete it is important to consider the next steps, not just for the Apprentice but also for your business. If you are able to provide a permanent position, has this been discussed with the Apprentice? If not, are you able to support them with FE applications, or provide a reference for future job applications?

Want to find out more?

If you have any questions about the End Point Assessment process please get in touch with your assessor or contact our Employer Engagement Team:

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