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John Mothersole is appointed Chair of The Sheffield College’s Governing Body

Updated: 27.04.21

John Mothersole is appointed Chair of The Sheffield College’s Governing Body

The Sheffield College has appointed John Mothersole as Chair of its Governing Body.

John joined the Governing Body in February 2020 as a Governor and Chair Designate to ensure a smooth transition as the College bids farewell to Seb Schmoller, who completed his term as Chair of Governors on March 31st, 2021. 

As Chief Executive of Sheffield City Council for 11 years until his retirement in December 2019, John was heavily involved in the regeneration of the City. Prior to moving to Sheffield, John was a Director with the London Borough of Camden.

John is also Chair of the National Lottery Community Fund England Committee, Guardian of the Sheffield Assay Office and a member of the Sheffield Management School Advisory Board.

John said: "Great further education is needed more than ever before, being at the forefront of the post-Brexit and pandemic skills-led recovery, and my focus will be on dealing with the challenges and seizing the opportunities. Further education has delivered so much and has so much to give. I am excited at being part of that and delighted to have joined the College team."

Angela Foulkes, Chief Executive and Principal, The Sheffield College, said: “John is a fantastic advocate for the City and the College and his strategic expertise is immensely valuable given that further education colleges, including The Sheffield College, are at the forefront of the country’s skills led pandemic recovery.”

She added: “I would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to Seb, who is a legend within the further education sector and will be sorely missed by our staff and student community. Seb has been an exceptional champion of the College for many years and we wish him all the very best with his next endeavours.”

All positions on the Governing Body are voluntary and unpaid. For more information, about the Governing Body and its membership, please visit our Meet The Team website page.

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