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Staff recognised for revolutionising technology at The Sheffield College

Updated: 06.06.24

Staff recognised for revolutionising technology at The Sheffield College

A member of staff has been shortlisted for a national award for revolutionising technology at The Sheffield College.

Simon Sharratt, who is a Digital and e-Learning Coordinator at the college, is a finalist in the support staff category of the NCFE Aspiration Awards 2024.

NCFE is a national educational charity and leader in vocational learning. The awards honour students, apprentices, educators, support staff and education organisations.

Simon said: “It is an honour to be shortlisted for this national award given that the role of technology is becoming increasingly central to teaching and learning.

“To be working on the cutting edge of a rapidly evolving landscape within education and helping students and staff to develop their skills is extremely rewarding.”

Steven Spence, Assistant Principal for Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Innovation, The Sheffield College, said: “Simon has transformed the use of technology in our college and enhanced the educational experience for staff and students.

“Simon deserves recognition for fully understanding the needs of modern educators and students and combining this with his technical skills, which have made him an invaluable asset.”

The nomination recognises Simon's outstanding achievements including the use of Google Workspace and supporting staff’s professional development on projects to enhance their practice and the student experience.

Successful projects include the use of virtual reality to provide virtual tours and trips for some students soon after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Simon's focus on professional excellence and his drive for constant improvement have been evident in the management of the college’s two staff innovation centres at City Campus on Granville Road and Hillsborough Campus on Livesey Street.

Under his leadership these spaces, characterised by their cutting-edge resources, have become hubs of creativity and learning for staff and students. They have also earned widespread acclaim within the college community.

In a recent survey, an overwhelming 100% of respondents stated they would recommend these centres to others, citing their impressive features and the positive impact they have had on their professional and academic pursuits.

Recently, Simon has worked on a new training programme for staff to ensure they all have a knowledge and understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The AI Essentials Programme has received excellent feedback.

The NCFE awards shortlist was selected by a panel of 24 judges from the further education and training sector. The winners will be announced in late June 2024.

Apply now for courses starting in September 2024.

Pictured from left to right: Awards finalist Simon Sharratt with Steven Spence, Assistant Principal for Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Innovation.


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