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HSHG: Business Support Team

We take pride in the talented and creative individuals we’ve cultivated within the college, and as a part of our HSHG offer we are now offering students the opportunity to work with local employers on upcoming projects.

HSHG: Business Support Team

Hear from our current Business Support Teams

HEW Coaching Business Support Team

Ben Bennett - 

I applied to work with HEW as I saw it as a great way to develop myself. I feel like it has and will give me many vital skills for future work. Not many business’ offer great opportunities like this one, so I had to take it.. I currently study IT so this will help me gain valuable experience. I know that HEW helps you achieve your goals and aspirations, helping individuals become successful so it was the perfect placement for me as I believe in everything they do.

Ellie Bamforth - 

As a student I've found that one of the most essential things to have going forward is experience, I felt whilst reading the brief supplied by HEW that this company would help me gain experience I wish to cover for my future in film and media. I also have a strong passion for supporting small businesses and being involved in HEW has really allowed me to understand and support small businesses in more than one way.

This opportunity at HEW is allowing me to build experience in newer ways every day, the limitless freedom Helen and Lauren provide me with when doing tasks really means I can understand my style as well as HEW’s and allows me to progress creatively, intellectually, and emotionally. The content which HEW creates is also helpful to intake when editing it or watching a live workshop, covering bases such as your mindset and managing time is really beneficial for everyone to understand and not just entrepreners


The Archer Project Business Support Team

Lucas Hodgkins - 

I worked alongside Wates to put up polystyrene roof tiles by cutting them down to size and fitting them. As a result, I feel like my communication skills and working with others has improved.

After I finish college, I plan to go into carpentry and joinery full-time doing something like kitchen fitting or furniture making because those are the things that I enjoy the most.


ISRAAC Business Support Team

Our level 2 Painting & Decorating class carried out the painting of the ISRAAC Vestry Hall. The class of 10 were split into 2 groups of 5, and each group alternated every Tuesday afternoon, to undertake some real-life work-experience. Before the painting took place, the whole class came down to the Vestry Hall to undertake an estimating task, where they were asked to evaluate & estimate all of the equipment they would require for the task. Of course this is something they will need to understand when they start out in the working world, to ensure that the job they undertake is as cost effective as possible. It took six sessions to complete the Vestry Hall.

The pictures below demonstrate work in action and show the transformation of colour and ‘refresh’ to the hall:



The Rotary Club

The Rotary Club partnered with The Sheffield College through the HSHG project, to provide two students, Reece and Eshaal, with the opportunity to undertake a residential course in Castleton, Derbyshire in February 2022.

The course involved the students taking part in a number of tasks and outdoor pursuits, where they had the opportunity to learn about leadership, ie. How to lead a team, communication, delegation, adaptability, and how to improve further tasks. Teams were given tasks, asked to pick a team leader, and after completing the tasks, held a debrief to discuss how the task went. The cost of the course was covered by the Rotary as sponsorship for the students. The students thoroughly enjoyed the course, and have both reported that they feel that they have benefited from taking part in it. 

Reece - 

I really enjoyed the course and learnt a lot about working with people not just leadership. I like that everyone got a chance to try the leadership aspect of the course and we all got feedback on how we did throughout the activities at the end of the course, which was helpful as I could reflect and see how I had improved. The best part about the project was the people. I loved meeting new people and the staff that ran the course were also great. I think that the course has really impacted on my future, as before I had never taken on doing something on my own initiative, which has also led me on to apply for the apprenticeship opportunities in the Army and Royal Air Force.