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Public Documents

Here you can view documents and files related to college activities. Items in this library are available to all users, whether or not they are members of the college.

Public Documents

Key policies and documents

Within this section you can view college documents relating to:

Applicant, Student and Parent Information

16-19 Small Group Tuition Statement

Admissions Policy 22-23

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy

Fee and Charges Policy 23-24

Fees and Charges Policy 24-25

HE Fees and Charges

Student Charter

Student Protection Plan

Student Support Fund Policy

Work-related Activity Strategy

Apprenticeships & Work Placements - Employer Health and Safety Guidance

Apprenticeships & Work Placements - Student Health and Safety Guidance

Financial Information

Financial Regulations

View Our Financial Statements

SPH Remuneration Annual Reports

Subcontracting Policy 2023-24

Subcontracting Policy 2024-25

Subcontracting Funding Paid/Retained 2019-20

Subcontracting Funding Paid/Retained 2021-22

Data Protection

Document Retention Policy

General Data Protection Policy

Governance and Public Information

Accountability Statement 2023-2024

Accountability Statement 2024-2025

Carbon Reduction Plan

Complaints Against Providers

Complaints Policy and Procedure

Department for Education Performance Tables

Environmental Policy

Freedom of Information Act

Freedom of Speech

Health and Safety Policy 2021-22

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

South Yorkshire Collaborative Annual Accountability Statement

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Report

Voluntary Reporting Scheme - 2021-22 Report

Whistleblowing Policy

Governing Body

Becoming a Governor at The Sheffield College - Guidance

Becoming a Governor - Expression of Interest

Conflicts of Interest Policy

Governing Body Confidentiality Policy

Governing Body Standing Orders

Governor Appointment Policy

Instrument and Articles of Governments

Information for Staff

Employee Code of Conduct Policy

Personal Relationships

Social Media Policy

Recruitment Notices

Master vendor agreement - notice for recruitment agencies

Safeguarding, Prevent and Equality and Diversity

Adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's working definition of anti-semitism

Criminal Convictions Declaration Procedure

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives 2023 - 2025

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Public Statement

Equality and Diversity Annual Report 2022-2023

Equal Opportunities

Online Safety Policy

Safeguarding Policy, Guidlines and Procedure

Sexual Abuse/Harassment Information and Guidelines for Staff

University level

Fee Information For New Entrants 2023 - 24

2022-23 Annual Fee Information for New Entrants

Higher Education Access and Participation Plan 2021/22 - 2025/26

Summary of Higher Education Access and Participation Plan 2021/22 - 2025/26

Open University Student's Guide

Click here to view all Higher Education Policies and Procedures
