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Liberty Steel Female Engineering Academy Case Study - Fatma Ali

Updated: 12.03.20

Liberty Steel Female Engineering Academy Case Study - Fatma Ali

Where did your interest in Engineering come from?

I have always liked working practically which is why the programme with The Liberty Steel Female Engineering Academy appealed to me. Before starting the programme I studied business for 2 years and then took a year out.

What have you been studying whilst on programme with the college?

This is my first year on the programme and so far we have covered subjects like mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. We have studied different elements of design, how to draw diagrams and also about the use of different materials.

Alongside the engineering parts of the programme, there have also been elements of business studies included which has allowed me to use my past experience to develop a better understanding.

Obviously there is a big push to get more Women into STEM subjects, do you have any role models that influenced you to start studying STEM subjects?

I have a number of family members who work in Engineering and specifically my cousin has always encouraged me to pursue a career in STEM. Seeing my family excel at their careers has always motivated me to do well as well.

Have there been any moments during your time on the programme that you have found particularly interesting?

We visited the Mondelez chocolate factory a couple of weeks ago to learn about how engineers are an essential part of the business. We were shown the inner workings of the machines in the factory and had the opportunity to speak to some of the workers who were really enthusiastic about their careers.

Do you have any career goals or any level of study that you would like to reach?

I really want to go to university next year to continue studying business. Ideally I want to be able to combine my knowledge in both engineering and business.

What advice would you give to any women looking to study engineering and STEM subjects?

There are so many different pathways available to get into STEM careers, if full time study doesn’t seem like the right option maybe an apprenticeship or traineeship would.

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