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Open letter to students and staff

Updated: 24.03.20

Open letter to students and staff

As we start a new phase of home-based remote learning and working this week, I want to thank students and staff for their heroic efforts in these unprecedented circumstances.

I have seen all parts of our organisation pulling together to enable college life to continue - albeit it in a different way for now.

To our staff, I want to say ‘thank you’ for everything that you have done and are doing to support our students, our communities and the city.  I am humbled by your resolve.

Your collective efforts have meant, amongst many other things, that:

  • Technology arrangements are up and running for remote working and learning for our staff and students.
  • Students, aged 16 to 18, who receive financial support and free meals will continue to receive those payments.
  • A plan is in place to support our most vulnerable learners, including daily contact by telephone or online.
  • Students in our inclusion faculty have been provided with offline resources where virtual learning is not possible.
  • Our City Campus nursery will stay open, subject to demand, to support frontline key workers by caring for their children.

To our students, I want to say ‘thank you’ for working with us and making the transition to remote learning.

I understand that this is an unsettling and worrying time. Some of you may feel invincible whilst others may feel anxious.

We’re all in this together. So, please be kind. Be safe and be smart. Do follow official advice about Coronavirus and please stay home.

By doing that you will protect yourself, others around you and the National Health Service (NHS) including the doctors, nurses and other frontline staff working flat out to help us all.

Please listen to the experts, such as the NHS. If you are feeling anxious, there’s some really helpful guidance from Young Minds here.

Talk to someone about how you’re feeling. Make sure you understand the facts from rumours. This link from BBC Bitesize here sorts out some of the facts from fiction.

We are here for you by telephone, email and social media, as well as via other technology that teaching colleagues are using to stay in touch such as Google Classroom.

For more useful links, please check our Q&A here and our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts where we’ll continue to share guidance and advice.

Keeping up with your studies will support your wellbeing by helping you to establish a new routine. How can you make the most of the time you have now, where possible?

It’s ok to allow yourself to daydream and cast your mind forwards. What do you want your future to look like and what can you do now to help prepare yourself to go further?

Although it may be difficult to believe this right now, a time will come when this situation will have passed. We’re here to support you along the way.

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