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Force Contracts Plumbing Employer Skills Academy

Force Contracts Plumbing Employer Skills Academy

The Force Contracts Plumbing Employer Skills Academy was launched in September 2022. This academy is based at our Olive Grove Campus and supports students who are studying Level 3 Plumbing. The Force Contracts Plumbing Academy allows a hand-selected group of plumbing students to work closely with representatives from Force Contracts, in order to develop their professional industry knowledge and to build on the practical experience through practical workshop activities.

About Force Contracts Plumbing Employer Skills Academy

All of our Force Contracts Plumbing Employer Skills Academy students can access a range of workshops, masterclasses, projects, site visits and placement opportunities to enhance their college studies. This academy inspires students hoping to pursue a career in Plumbing to develop their professional industry knowledge.

The students will undertake their learning in a Force Contracts branded workshop, complete with an array of interactive equipment and real-life scenarios that they may face in the working world. The students will cover an array of subjects with Force Contracts such as:

  • Airsource Heat Pumps
  • Press Fits
  • Customer Focus and Relationships
  • Business Basics
  • Health and Safety

Students in this academy will also be able to utilise materials and resources that were used before modern technology.

Force Contracts Ltd are really excited to be supporting the next generation of plumbers and heating engineers through the academy. As a family run business of 30 plus years we have a solid history in bringing on young people through our company so we see the academy as a natural extension of that. We will deliver some extra support to enhance the students college experience including some fun interactive sessions involving new technology and old school traditional methods and instrumentation along with sharing our commercial expertise.

Victoria Roberts, Commercial Manager