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HEW Coaching and Development Employer Skills Academy

HEW Coaching and Development Employer Skills Academy

The HEW Coaching and Development Employer Skills Academy was launched in September 2022. This academy was based at our City Campus and supports our Prince's Trust students. The HEW Coaching and Development Academy allowed a selected number of College students to enhance their employability skills and support their preparation for the world of work.

About HEW Coaching and Development Employer Skills Academy

The HEW Coaching and Development Employer Skills Academy allowed students to undertake an employer-led programme of workshops, masterclasses and inspiring employability skills training sessions throughout their course to transform their life through learning. The students were given the opportunity to learn from, and demonstrate their skills throughout their time in the academy to enhance their self-development and prepare them for the world of work.

This academy inspired students and created the opportunity for students to maintain and develop a positive, creative mindset. The students undertook their learning in a HEW branded classroom, and covered an array of subjects such as:

  • goal setting and objectives
  • confidence and identity
  • resilience and mindset
  • health and wellbeing

Students in this academy had the opportunity to apply for a business building fund. This fund provided by HEW supported students who needed that extra helping hand with finances and business advice to set up their future business or enhance their college students with extra resources and equipment.