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Millgate Cyber Security Employer Skills Academy

Millgate Cyber Security Employer Skills Academy

The Millgate Networking and Cyber Security Employer Skills Academy was launched in 2019. The academy was based at our City Campus and supported some of our Level 3 IT students to enhance their college studies. The academy was the first of its kind in Sheffield and it allowed a hand-selected group of students to work closely with representatives from Millgate, in order to develop their professional industry knowledge.

About Millgate Cyber Security Employer Skills Academy

The Millgate Networking and Cyber Security Employer Skills Academy provides the opportunity for its academy students to take part in Millgate led masterclasses, workshops, site visits and placement opportunities to enhance their college studies. Students in the Millgate academy will be able to work on various projects including a live server in their classroom, which Millgate manage from their HQ. This allows all of the Millgate academy students to gain hands-on experience and learn from industry experts.

Taking place in a Millgate branded classroom and set up with interactive equipment, students will be exposed to all areas of the IT business with various members of the Millgate team. Masterclasses include subjects such as:

  • IT Service Delivery
  • Project Planning
  • SQL Databases
  • IT Technical Support

As part of the programme, there is an opportunity for two academy students to take part in an industry placement. This provides students with 315 hours of industry experience, in various aspects of the business, that they can then use for future applications. The students are selected on merit and will undergo further interviews in order to take part in this opportunity.

 Academy tour



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The Sheffield College



The Sheffield College

We believe that the Millgate Cyber Security Academy will make a tremendous positive difference to the experiences and career prospects of all those involved, whether with Millgate or any other future employer.

Alasdair Jeffrey; Managing Director, Millgate

The academy is helping me to develop new skills, and I am expanding the set of skills I already have in different ways through work experience, online talks, and seminars.

Joshua Kirk
Millgate Cyber Security Academy student

Testimonial Joshua Kirk