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Childcare and Nurseries

The College nurseries provide a high quality educational and social experience for children aged 6 months to 7 years within a caring environment.

Childcare and Nurseries

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About our nurseries

Our nurseries are open to all parents who live, work or study within the wider community. We have full day care facilities at two of our main sites.

City Nursery is located at the bottom of Granville Road (next to our City Campus), close to tram and bus routes. This is a 60-place purpose built nursery, open 50 weeks per year from 8am – 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Hillsborough Nursery is located on the grounds of Hillsborough Campus and is a purpose built 40-place nursery, also open 50 weeks per year from 8am – 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Full-time, part-time or occasional/emergency places are available.

Both nurseries accept children aged 2 – 5 years using their 15 hours free entitlement funded places.

Holiday cover is available at City Nursery for children aged 7 and under.

About our nursery staff

The childcare staff teams have all of the required qualifications, skills and experience to provide childcare and education that enables children to reach their potential and equip them to be questioning, confident individuals with a positive attitude for learning.

Contact us

For further information please contact the Nursery Manager on:

How to apply for a nursery place

  • Fully complete and return the nursery application form to the nursery of your choice. Forms are available from any nursery reception, Student Central or by telephoning 0114 260 2600. If you have not received acknowledgement of receipt of your application within 3 weeks please contact the Nursery Manager as above 
  • If your application for a nursery place is successful we will send you a contract, stating the sessions offered and the weekly cost of this place plus an invoice for fees in advance
  • If you are a student of the college and wish to apply for financial support towards your fees, you must complete a Student Support Fund application and return it to the Student Central Team with all the requested evidence. This form will be sent to you in August before you start your course
  • You must confirm acceptance or rejection of your offer by returning a copy of the contract by the date stated
  • If you have applied for financial help towards your nursery fees it is your responsibility to bring your award letter to the nursery as soon as possible
  • Until the nursery sees the letter you will be charged the full cost of your childcare
  • If your application is unsuccessful we will write to you informing you of alternative childcare options