Georgia Ashton - Students’ Union President
"My name is Georgia, I havejust completed my level 3 Media and Jounralism course at Hillsborough Campus. As Students' Union President, I want to support each and every one of you on your journey to grow and become successul. I have lived experience in mental health and as a student, and now I want to give back to make your time at college a healthy, positive experience."
Willow – Vice President - Education
- Get more students to feel as though they can be open and expressive about who they are
- Help FE and HE students work collaboratively across college through their education
- Advocate on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community
Jacob – Vice President - Activities
- Work with staff in college and students to run seasonal events or activities to help improve student experience outside of their courses
- Take a lead on the Board Games club, and having more games, including card games on offer as part of the club
- Support students and other Officers in setting up their own clubs and societies, and getting them involved in wider college events
Margo – LGBT+ Officer
- I want to make organisations such as SAYiT's fruitbowl and others that are similar more available and clearer to students who desire it
- Ensure that students feel seen and heard about their experiences along with having clear support systems to better their college experience
- Work closely and collaborate with other officers to certify that every aspect of Sheffield College is inclusive, mindful and open to all identities and backgrounds​
- Create and build societies to allow people to meet/interact with other members of the community to build connections and a welcoming, safe community
Jayda – Black Students' Officer
- I want to raise awareness for all cultures and ethnicities within the college
- I want to support all students with exploring their identities and plan events to learn about the diverse cultures of the college
- I want to help make a fun and positive experience for everyone at the college
Jess – Disabled Students' Officer
- Make sure resources and materials about disabilities are accessible for students
- Build community between students with disabilities by setting up a lunchtime social group for them to attend and make friends through
- Support students to feel included and welcome in college activities, and help students feel less isolated
Daria – Societies Officer
- Help students to feel more comfortable in engaging with college activities and clubs
- Support the setting up of a well-being colouring and art club, to help support students' mental health and give them a social space over lunchtime
- Support a mental health campaign, especially with a focus around helping reduce stress and anxiety
Lisa – Women’s Officer
- Raise awareness of issues currently affecting women around the world
- Support and advocate for college students, especially adult women, who may have other commitments alongside their studies
- Create space where women in college can build meaningful support networks with others with similar lived experiences, through activities and social spaces.
Martha – Marketing Officer
- Work with other Officers and teams in college to advocate on behalf of students, and get students involved in events and activities the college runs
- Run a cultural celebration event to promote and celebrate the diverse student population at the college and help foster a sense of community
- Be visible and available for students to talk to, especially new students to help them feel supported
Sharon - Mature and Part-time Officer
- Advocate on behalf of adult learners, especially learners at the Pennine 5 campus, through student voice and working with staff
- Help increase activities for students to get involved in at Pennine 5 campus
- Listen to students, and make sure there are suggestion boxes at all campuses for students to use
Katherine - Environmental Officer
- Raise awareness of issues currently affecting women around the world
- Support and advocate for college students, especially adult women, who may have other commitments alongside their studies
- Create space where women in college can build meaningful support networks with others with similar lived experiences, through activities and social spaces.