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5 reasons why record numbers of students are applying for nursing courses

Updated: 05.03.21

5 reasons why record numbers of students are applying for nursing courses

Inspiring stories

We all know that the Covid-19 pandemic has put a huge strain on the NHS and its staff, but the stories of nurses and other front-line staff continuing to go above and beyond is nothing short of incredible. If reading those inspirational stories has made you want to get stuck in and join them then applying for a nursing course is the next logical step!

Caring for others

If you’ve got fantastic people skills and a passion for caring for others, nursing is a perfect career pathway. Whether you work in mental health, stroke recovery or general medicine, care and compassion are some of the most important skills a nurse can have, and it can be a brilliantly rewarding career because of this.

Career opportunities

With the Government promising to create 50,000 more nursing positions across the UK over the next few years, it certainly seems that there will be plenty of career opportunities in the future for current nursing students.

Not only that, but the skills you will develop as a nurse are transferrable to a wide variety of other careers, such as health and social care, teaching and training, and even management roles.

It’s never too late to re-train

The pandemic has changed the layout of the jobs market, and many people are now thinking about re-training and pursuing a new career. UCAS have reported that for the first time, over 10,000 of their applications for nursing have come from students aged 35 or older, which just goes to show that it’s never too late to re-train and get into your dream career.

Financial support for your studies

If you want to study for a nursing degree then you may be eligible for financial support with your course fees through an NHS Bursary. Depending on your circumstances (for example, if you plan to train in a region that is struggling to recruit nursing students, or you’re training in a specialist field such as mental health nursing) you could also be eligible for the NHS Learning Support Fund, which can be used to help you cover the costs of things like your tuition fees, childcare or even travel and accommodation in some cases.

If you’re interested in a career in nursing, there are loads of routes you can take to get there.


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