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5 ways a Creative & Design programme at The Sheffield College can launch your career

Updated: 09.04.21

5 ways a Creative & Design programme at The Sheffield College can launch your career

At The Sheffield College, our end goal is always to prepare you as best we can for the career you want, and our Creative & Design study programmes are no Exception! Check out just a few of the ways we can help prepare you for you dream career. 

Top-notch facilities to help you find your style

Developing your creative style and experimenting with different mediums and art forms is essential for anybody wishing to pursue a job in the creative industries. Whether your passion is textiles and fashion, graphic design, architecture or product development, we’ve got the facilities to help you go further.

Our workshops and studios at Hillsborough Campus are equipped with everything you need to explore screen printing, dark-room photography, CAD assisted design techniques, 3D modelling, Mac computer suites and more, so that you can learn new techniques and develop your creative style.

Tutors with expert industry insight

Our tutors have worked in their field of expertise at some point, so they are a fantastic source of knowledge and experience and are perfectly placed to give you the guidance and advice to launch into the career you want.

Many of them have maintained their links with industry specialists too, so they can help you forge professional networks, look for placement opportunities and give you that inside knowledge that will set you apart from the crowd.

Forge professional relationships and connections

Throughout your study programme we will give you as many opportunities as possible to work with industry professionals so that when you come to look for a job, you have connections in place already.

On top of this, we encourage all of our students to seek out experience of work and placement opportunities, and even have a team of Industry Placement Coordinators on hand to help you find the perfect placement!

Gain the skills you’ll need in the real world

We know that you’ll want to hit the ground running when it comes to starting your career, so we make sure that all of our study programmes equip you with the experience you’ll need to do just that!

Whether that’s working on a live project brief that has been set by a local employer (usually designed to mirror a project or scenario they have experienced in the industry), or taking part in a masterclass or workshop delivered by industry professionals – we want to give you as many opportunities as possible to set you up with the skills you’ll need to enter the job market.

Get yourself out there at the end-of-year exhibition

At the end of each academic year our students are invited to showcase their work at our exhibition at The Workstation. However, last years exhibition was showcased virtually. 

Not only is this a fantastic way to show your friends and family everything you’ve been working on, but more importantly it’s an opportunity to show your portfolio of work to industry professionals and local employers. Many of our former students have been headhunted through the exhibition, so it really is an amazing way to launch your career!

Feeling inspired? Check out our Creative & Design Virtual Exhibition from 2020!

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