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Could you provide work placement opportunities?

Updated: 12.03.20

Could you provide work placement opportunities?

It goes without saying that employer’s value work experience, with nearly 91% of employers in 2017 looking for evidence of work experience on a candidate’s application.

At The Sheffield College we are dedicated to securing as many placements for our learners as possible in order to better their employment chances and prepare them for the world of work.
We are currently recruiting employers to provide placement opportunities; the placements can last from anywhere between 1 day to 10 weeks, whatever is suitable for you or your business.
In the past we have found that not only do our students reap the benefits of these placements, but also the employer:

  1. Recruitment
    When given the right support, placement programmes all over the world have been shown to be effective ways for companies to recruit students directly from college or university.
  2. Reputational gain
    Placements are a fantastic way to demonstrate to your local community the work you are doing to help young people into job roles.
  3. Staff development and engagement
    Placements can improve the skills of your existing staff workforce.

If you think you or your business could provide a placement opportunity click the banner below to contact our Work Related Activity Team.

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