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Getting You Ready For Work

The Sheffield College's unique and innovative Ahead programmes aim to enhance all students' employability skills and support them to go further in their careers. Work-related activity and the development of employability skills are a valuable part of every student's career pathway.

We encourage and support all students to spend time with an employer in a real life or simulated working environment. That’s why we’ve designed three Ahead programmes; MoveAhead, GetAhead, and StayAhead, as well as our Employer Skills Academies and our Employment Services Agency.

100% of study programme students are expected to take part in at least one Ahead programme with a view to continuing on to further programmes as they progress.

Our expert team currently provides three Work-related Activity programmes - MoveAhead, GetAhead and StayAhead.

Ahead Programmes

We’ve set up three Ahead programmes to support our students in preparing for the world of work. MoveAhead focuses on employment-related skills, developing organisation, teamwork and interpersonal skills. Upon completion, students will have improved employment opportunities and can progress onto GetAhead. GetAhead develops and enhances employability skills, working towards set achievements around professionalism, communication and confidence. StayAhead offers access to a wide range of employers within the region and provides the opportunity to complete an Industry Placement. Students will also develop their IT skills as well as the job application process.

Employer Skills Academies

By engaging with professional industry experts, our students will:

  • Develop their knowledge and skills within a specific sector
  • Interact with industry professionals through workshops and masterclasses
  • Enhance their skills by working on real-life projects and taking part in mock interviews
  • Gain valuable experience of work through placement opportunities
  • Get an insight into the world of work through site visits and tours of employer premises
  • Explore the ins and outs of their Academy sponsor’s business
  • Take part in lectures with specialist speakers
  • Get an employer reference for use on their CV and in future interviews
  • Have the chance to be involved in sector-specific local, regional and national events and competitions

The Sheffield College has partnered with a host of local, regional and national businesses to create our award-winning Employer Skills Academies. An exclusive, innovative teaching and learning programme, the academies aim to provide an outstanding technical and professional education for our students. Our Academies cover a variety of sectors and subject areas from construction, IT and catering to professional makeup, business and sport.

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Work-Related Activity

Work-related Activity benefits our students by:

  • Improving their job prospects and giving them knowledge of the workplace in a variety of areas
  • Improving their technical skills before entering full time employment
  • Enhancing their soft skills by assessing individual starting points and supporting progress
  • Offering professional networking to allow students to meet and impress local employers
  • Encouraging teamwork and learning how to work collaboratively to keep efficiency and productivity to a maximum
  • Encouraging time and workload management
  • Improving workplace communication
  • Helping them understand what motivates them and what they are passionate about
  • Enhancing their CV with work experience and formal recognition from The Sheffield College that students are industry ready

At The Sheffield College, we work closely with employers across Sheffield and the region to ensure our students develop the exact skills and industry-specific knowledge that will enable them to confidently progress in their careers. We encourage all of our students to spend time with an employer as part of their study programme, and our Work-related Activity team helps our students gain career experience that they need to go further through enrichment and experience of work, industry tasters, projects, industry placements, supply chain industry placements, and hybrid placements.

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Employment Services Agency

Our Employment Services Agency benefits our students by:

  • Ensuring progressions from learning into a paid career
  • Supporting students to become financially independent
  • Offering the opportunity to work flexibly within our community
  • Supporting the building of resilience, ensuring the readiness for the world of work
  • Gaining valuable work experience and developing employability skills
  • Providing potential Industry Placements
  • Supporting progression routes onto Apprenticeships or university level study
  • Helping them understand what motivates them and what they are passionate about
  • Enhancing their CV with work experience and formal recognition from The Sheffield College that students are industry ready

The Sheffield College’s Employment Services Agency helps our students find the right job for them, whether it’s fixed-term, temporary, part-time or permanent. We offer our students expert advice and support, together with our employer partners. Aiming to promote good mental health and support social mobility, our Employment Services Agency facilitates work opportunities that can secure full-time contracts for our students upon course completion.

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