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Students under the age of 18

Studying abroad at a young age can be an exciting experience - but also a nerve-wracking one, for both parents and students!

Students under the age of 18

Find out more

At The Sheffield College, we understand that younger students may benefit from additional support in order to make them feel more comfortable during their studies in Sheffield. Similarly, we aim to reassure parents that their children are well looked after whilst they're in the UK.

Secure Facilities

Each of the four campuses at The Sheffield College have secure facilities. Students and staff access college buildings by swiping in and out of security gates at each entrance using their identity card. This helps to keep our buildings secure, so we know who is in the building at all times.

Mixing with Older Students

All of our International college classes are open to students of all ages, which means that our younger students may come into contact with other students who are older. All of our classes are supervised by college staff. At break times, students are encouraged to use the Diner at City campus, where a member of staff is always present.

Student Support

If students have a problem during their time at college, teachers and staff from the International Team are always available to provide advice, guidance and support regarding any welfare or safeguarding issues (including bullying, family or financial problems). 

Information for Parents

Parents can request regular reports regarding their child's progress and staff will always communicate any concerns or issues to parents during their child's study at The Sheffield College.

Emergency Contact Information

Please use the following contact information if you would like to get in touch with the International Office during your child's stay in Sheffield. 

During Office Hours (Mon - Fri; 8am – 4pm)

(0044) 0114 260 2676

College Contact Number

(0044) 0114 260 2600

Important Information

Parents/Guardians and Students under the age of 18 should understand that The Sheffield College is a Further Education establishment, and therefore many of our students are over the age of 18. 

Please note that a student under the age of 18 is, by law, considered a child whilst in the UK, and The Sheffield College has a duty of care to the student. 

It is essential that both students and parents/legal guardians accept the college's rules for students under the age of 18 in order to ensure that the student remains safe during their time at The Sheffield College. Students who break these rules may have to leave the college and return home with no refund of fees/expenses.