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Five reasons to drive your career forward with a new automotive qualification

Updated: 29.01.24

Five reasons to drive your career forward with a new automotive qualification

If you’re looking for a way to expand your career aspirations in the automotive industry, a qualification in MOT Testing could be just what you need.

Here are five ways our MOT Testing programme can help.


Demand for MOT Testers

MOT Testers in the UK have seen a significant increase in demand over the past couple of years, in part due to the backlog created during the Covid pandemic.

With electric vehicles becoming more popular, the demand for MOT Testers who are qualified to inspect electrical vehicles is also on the rise, meaning that now is a great time to get into the testing business!


Learn in high-tech, modern facilities

Undertaking an MOT Testing programme at The Sheffield College means that you will get to put your newly acquired skills into practice in our state-of-the-art motor vehicle workshops. This also includes facilities for electric vehicles, so that you can feel confident that you’re getting the most relevant and up-to-date training for the industry you work in.


Get the essential knowledge and skills for the job

The MOT Testing qualification covers the essential knowledge and skills needed for undertaking the practical MOT assessment, as well as managing your own professional development as an MOT Tester.

You’ll cover units such as conducting pre-test checks and carrying our road-worthiness tests, as well as covering safe working practices in the vehicle testing centre.


Future development

Once you complete this MOT Tester qualification, your career development doesn’t have to stop there. You could apply to undertake the DVSA final observed assessment in order to achieve their Certificate of Competence (CoC), therefore enabling you to become a nominated tester (NT).


Grow your business

If you run your own auto-mechanic business, you’ll be well aware of how important the peak season is for maximising revenue. Training up both yourself and your staff to become MOT technicians can help you to meet the demand of MOT requests and grow your business’ portfolio and revenue.


Make 2024 the year your drive your career to new heights. Click here to view the MOT Testing programme and apply for a place starting soon!


If you'd like to have a tour of our facilities, talk to our tutors, or discover your support options, come along to our Engineering and Automotive Open Day on Thursday 8th February 2024. Book your place here!

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