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Inspirational students celebrated at annual awards ceremony

Updated: 19.07.22

Inspirational students celebrated at annual awards ceremony

Inspirational Sheffield College students have been recognised and celebrated at an annual awards ceremony.

This year’s Student Celebration Awards event returned to its pre-pandemic format of being held in person.

Students completing a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications were honoured for their exceptional achievements and dedication.

Families, college staff and governors also attended the event held at The Mowbray, Mowbray Street, Sheffield, on June 28th, 2022. Watch our film to find out more.

Angela Foulkes, Chief Executive and Principal, The Sheffield College, said: “I am so proud of all of the students who have won or been nominated for these awards. Their achievements are inspirational given the challenges that they have faced.”

She added: “It is incredibly moving to hear how determined and focussed they have stayed on their studies and I would like to pay tribute to our staff for all the encouragement and support they have given.”

This year’s winners are:

  • Creative and Design Student of the Year - Ash Stead
  • Engineering, Construction and Technology Student of the Year - Lucas Hodgkins
  • Health and Science Student of the Year - Jake Clarke
  • Animal Care, Land-based, Sport, Protective Services and Business Student of the Year - Dan Walker
  • Higher Education and Academic Studies Student of the Year - James Salleh
  • English, Maths and ESOL Student of the Year - Mobin Rahman
  • Inclusion Student of the Year - Yasmin Saddington
  • Employer Skills Academy Recognition Award - Samuel McComb
  • 16-18 Achievement Award - Andrew McKinna
  • Higher Education Achievement Award - Amy Hearnshaw
  • Adult Achievement Award - Steven Nisbett
  • Apprenticeship Achievement Award - Harley Wooliscroft
  • Students' Union Choice Award - Demileigh Lowe
  • Outstanding Achievement Award - Issey Reeves
  • Chair of Governors' Choice Award - Abdibasid Hussein

James Salleh, 26, won the Higher Education and Academic Studies Student of the Year award and has completed an Access to Higher Education Diploma in Nursing.

He said: “It is really nice - the recognition and to see everyone else who has been nominated. It makes me feel very happy and really pleased.  My goal is to become an advanced nurse practitioner and work in community care helping others. I chose the course because it puts me on the path to achieving that.

“It has been brilliant, the staff have absolutely helped me to excel and get me where I want to be. It is completely possible to return to studying as an adult. You will receive the support and guidance that you need.”

Issey Reeves, 18, won the Outstanding Achievement Award and has been studying for BTEC Extended Diploma in Sports Coaching at Level 3. Alongside this, she is also completing a Diploma in Sporting Excellence (DiSE) which is Swim England's elite development programme

Issey swims for the City of Sheffield Swim Club. she is currently the fastest swimmer for 200m backstroke in her age group in England and the second fastest in the UK

She said: “To be able to win an award like this is absolutely amazing. All the hard work has paid off. I couldn’t have done it without all the teachers who have been involved. I can’t thank them enough for what they have done for me.”

Jake Clarke, 19, won the Health and Science Student of the Year award and is completing a Childcare and Education Level 3 qualification.

He said: “It was a big surprise because all of the students in my class are really good. I am really proud of myself. I would like to thank my teachers. They have really supported me. I have enjoyed learning different things.”

Lucas Hodgkins, 20, won the Engineering, Construction and Technology Student of the Year award and is studying carpentry and joinery.

He said: “I am absolutely delighted. I worked really hard for this. I am just really happy. I wasn’t expecting it so it’s a big shock. I have been studying carpentry and joinery. I’ve loved it and just want to continue and develop my skills.

He added: “The tutors have helped me loads and to progress further. I plan on getting an apprenticeship. After that I want to start my own business. It’s just really exciting for me.”

Harley Wooliscroft, 19, won the Apprenticeship Achievement Award and is completing a Business Administration Apprenticeship at Level 3.

She said: “I am really shocked and overwhelmed to receive this award. I didn’t think I would get this far. I can’t be more thankful to all my colleagues and tutors at college.

“Long term I want to stay in the healthcare setting. Just follow your dream. If you put your mind to it and work hard, your dreams can come true,” added Harley, whose employer is Crystal Peaks Medical Centre.

Abdibasid Hussein, 21, won the Chair of Governors' Choice Award for demonstrating courage and outstanding motivation to exceed all expectations. He arrived in the UK as a refugee and has overcome considerable challenges.

Abdibasid spent two years studying English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses at the College. He then progressed to a vocational programme and is completing a Health and Social Care Level 2 qualification.

Abdibasid said:I am excited. It has been tough. I wasn’t expecting to be nominated. To be here and win, it’s massive.”

Find out more about courses starting this September.

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