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Peaks Campus open day to unveil new student curriculum offer

Updated: 02.05.24

Peaks Campus open day to unveil new student curriculum offer

A new curriculum offer for students who require a high level of support will be unveiled at Peaks Campus.

Bloom: Preparation for Adulthood at The Sheffield College is for 16 to 24-year-olds who have a variety of support needs, learning difficulties or disabilities.

Young people and their families can find out more by attending the Bloom open day at Peaks Campus on Tuesday, 7th May from 11am until 3pm.

Angela Foulkes CBE, Chief Executive and Principal, The Sheffield College, said: “We are really looking forward to welcoming visitors to our Peaks Campus open day.

We are committed to preparing young people for adulthood, employment and independence.

“Our new curriculum offer, which has been developed in consultation with stakeholders including carers, health professionals and schools, reflects that.”

At the open day, visitors will find out more about the new offer and facilities, meet staff, tour the campus, hear about the personalised assistance available and see student projects.

The college is refurbishing Peaks Campus, in partnership with Sheffield City Council, to become a specialist centre for young people who require high levels of support.

Due to open in September 2024, the new facility will have long term capacity for around 300 students from across the city. These places will provide additional capacity for students who require a high level of support rather than replacing any existing provision across the college.

Plans are well underway for the new staff team at Peaks Campus based on Waterthorpe Greenway. New facilities will include quiet spaces, a sensory room, an independent living suite, an accessible gym and wet rooms.

There will be greater involvement from community organisations and employers as part of the Bloom curriculum from September 2024, which will also be offered at Hillsborough Campus.

The plan to turn Peaks Campus into a specialist centre came out of discussions from a stakeholder consultation process. Led by the college last year, the consultation explored the future of the site and how it could be best used to meet the needs of the city.

Please book your place and ticket here for the Bloom open day at Peaks Campus.

Find out more about our Inclusion study programmes.

Pictured: Young people and their families are invited to an open day at Peaks Campus to find out about the new curriculum and facilities from September 2024.

Photo credit: Joe Horner.


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