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Peaks Consultation Update

Updated: 07.06.23

Peaks Consultation Update

Last month we announced that, following a full internal review, The Sheffield College had taken the decision to no longer offer teaching and learning at our Peaks Campus from September 2023. Following the closure of our stakeholder consultation, the college is continuing with its plans to cease teaching and learning at its Peaks Campus from September 2023

During this process, we consulted with key stakeholders, including staff, students, parents and carers, civic and business leaders and community organisations to seek their views on the impact of the planned changes for Peaks Campus and how we could best implement this decision.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who gave their views, which has helped us to shape this process. A summary of this feedback can be found below.

Point 1: Concern that Hillsborough and City Campuses are not as suitable for high needs and inclusion students who might feel anxious in larger, busier environments. 


  • Our high needs students are offered the same support regardless of the campus where they study. Around 21% of all high needs students are based at Peaks Campus currently; the majority, 79%, already choose to study at our other campuses
  • Furthermore, results from our most recent student survey showed that 95% of our high needs students based at our Hillsborough and City Campuses agreed that the college has created a positive environment in which to learn
  • We want our students to feel safe and confident in their learning environment. Since the announcement our teams have been working hard to hold drop-in sessions at our Hillsborough and City Campuses for applicants, students and parents so that they can make an informed decision about the next step that is best for them
  • We are committed to doing everything we can to support our students and ensure the learning environments we have meet their needs. For example, during the consultation process, many students asked whether they could keep the same tutor and whether we could ensure quieter break times for these groups of students. We also already have allocated quiet spaces at our Hillsborough and City Campuses to support the best possible learning environment for our students

Point 2: Travelling to Hillsborough or City Campus may be more challenging or more expensive for students based locally to Peaks Campus.


  • We are committed to ensuring that our students receive the very best experience possible. We will do everything we can to support our students with the move
  • Support with travel will be available to existing Peaks Campus students and existing Peaks Campus applicants until Summer 2025 to help with the transition period based on individual student need. The package of support will include the following:
    • Free travel pass
    • Paid for bespoke travel arrangements where these are necessary e.g. high needs students
    • Information, Advice and Guidance sessions available for all Peaks students and applicants to help them plan their journeys

Point 3: We are worried you are taking resource away from this part of the city, can the building be used for something that would benefit the local communities?


  • We are committed to working with partners in the city on finding a long-term sustainable solution for use of the site
  • Currently, there are no plans to sell the campus. We are working closely with a number of key organisations in the city to ensure that the building is still used in a way which continues to serve its communities
  • For example, since we made our announcement, as part of the consultation process, we have been discussing with Sheffield City Council the potential future use of the Peaks Campus for educational purposes. These discussions are continuing, and we will keep people advised of developments
  • It is also our intention that the two schools that currently use Peaks Campus for their own high needs provision, continue to do so

Point 4: We don’t want the provision to close, it benefits so many people in the city 


  • We know that we are an anchor institution in the city, and wider region, and work hard to ensure that our offer supports our communities, and the future needs of the city
  • No teaching and learning provision will be closed
  • All of the provision and the same opportunities will be relocated to our Hillsborough and City Campuses

Point 5: There are bespoke facilities and resources at Peaks Campus. Will these be lost?


  • There are a small number of facilities at Peaks Campus that we do not have at Hillsborough and City Campus
  • Where these do not already exist, we are working hard behind the scenes to add these in For example, a full Games Design studio will be ready at City Campus for September 2023
  • The experience of our students is our number one priority and it is our intent that no facilities will be lost
  • We are confident that the move means that students will have access to more facilities, such as sports facilities for example, than they would have done at Peaks Campus. Peaks Campus consistently scores lower for its facilities in our student voice surveys

Point 6: City Campus is already busy. Will there be space for additional students and staff?


  • As part of our review of Peaks Campus, we undertook a planning exercise to ensure that there would be enough space for any Peaks students and staff
  • We are currently working on our timetabling process to ensure that the busier times around campus, for example lunch and break times, are planned and staggered to ensure the best student experience

The formal stakeholder consultation period is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to have your say. As this process continues, we will share any updates on our website

You can also find some frequently asked questions by clicking here.

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