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Strike action: College open on January 20th 2023

Updated: 18.01.23

Strike action: College open on January 20th 2023

Industrial action is due to take place at The Sheffield College this week on Friday, January 20th, 2023.

Students are advised to attend the College on that day as campuses and facilities will be open.

Alternative provision will be arranged for students where classes do not have a tutor.

All examinations will go-ahead as planned. All students taking examinations should attend the College as usual.

City, Hillsborough, Olive Grove and Peaks campuses as well as our Pennine 5 and Fir Vale centres will be open.

The refectories, learning resource centres and both children’s nurseries will also be open.

Due to the nature of industrial action, it is not possible to confirm ahead of Friday which classes will be affected by the strike being organised by the University and College Union (UCU).

Details about this week’s industrial action have been sent to students’ college email accounts today.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.


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