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Guess the gaming and animation companies who helped design our qualifications!

Updated: 30.07.21

Guess the gaming and animation companies who helped design our qualifications!

That’s fine, we’re prepared for you and have been waiting for you to join us!

When we launched our study programme, we joined forces with NextGen Skills Academy to make sure you got the best possible experiences and learnt skills from the pros. NextGen worked with OSCAR and BAFTA winning companies to design the qualification you’ll be studying, but can you guess who based on these games and animations?

1. Assassin's Creed

Are you even a gamer if you’ve not played Assassin's Creed or been excited for the new game in the series?

We think probably not!

Anyway, since 2007 the award-winning Assassin's Creed series has been one of most recognisable and highly received games around. No fewer than 140 million players have taken on the action-adventure challenges which span some of the most crucial moments in history, including the Crusades, the American Revolution, Ancient Greece and the Vikings.

The company who have helped design our games, animation and VFX programme were the creators of this game and have created other incredible games including a version of South Park. Any ideas?

Answer: Ubisoft

Click here to apply

2. The Adventures of Paddington

Following the success of the Paddington movies, the Nick Jr. channels in the UK and US couldn’t say no to a new pre-school adaptation of Paddington the Bear.

The Adventures of Paddington follow Paddington as a younger bear, keeping Aunt Lucy up-to-date with the lessons he’s learnt from his early adventures in London.

The company who helped design our games, animation and VFX programme were in charge of the bringing the whole TV series to life through their amazing animation skills.

Answer: Bluezoo Animation Studio

3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

You’ve seen Harry Potter, right?

Well you’ll definitely have heard of this company as they’ve featured worked on the VFX and animations throughout the series of films.

However, Goblet of Fire was the most challenging! This company delivered over 200 shots for the fourth film, including an astonishing underwater sequence, a carriage drawn by seven Pegasus-like creatures, and a cheeky quill pen with a character all its own.

finishing on the closing scene where they used green screens and a partial set of Kings Cross Platform 9 ¾s. For this, they also digitally extended the platform and brought back some animated characters – a chocolate frog and origami bird – from the first film!

Answer: Framestore

4. Planet of the Apes

No, not the original, we’re talking the reboots in the last decade. We’re talking the Rise, the Dawn and the War.

The company we’re looking for here were the production company of Planet of the Apes. They specialise in applying motion capture technology and new-age storytelling.

They’re absolutely HUGE and you’ll definitely have heard of them. If not through Planet of the Apes, then maybe through Star Wars…

Answer: The Imaginarium

Impressive, right?

Well, that’s not all. Through our partnership with NextGen Skills Academy, our students get some of the most incredible opportunities.

The latest project they worked on was taking the idea of space colonisation as inspiration, students researched and designed a vision of what it would mean to create a sustainable society on Mars, presenting their work to top scientists and people from Nasa. UNREAL!


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