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Volunteering hero at The Sheffield College recognised in new national awards

Updated: 01.12.23

Volunteering hero at The Sheffield College recognised in new national awards

A health and social care lecturer at The Sheffield College has received national recognition for being a volunteering hero.

Ozmah Khan was highly commended in the outstanding service to volunteering category of the first ever Good for Me Good for FE Awards 2023.

Ozmah is among 20 national winners who have been invited to a celebration event at the House of Lords on 8th December 2023 to receive their certificates and prizes.

The Lecturer and Course Leader in Level 1 Health and Social Care has clocked up over 6,000 volunteering hours during the last 25 years of working for the college.

Along the way, Ozmah has raised thousands of pounds and inspired many of her students to join her in a wide range of volunteering and fundraising efforts.

Ozmah said: “It is an absolute honour to be recognised in these inaugural awards and to represent The Sheffield College. It gives me more motivation to keep going and help make a difference in the world.”

At the start of every academic year Ozmah looks for fundraising and volunteering opportunities, linked to the themes of health, social care and wellbeing, which she and her students can support.

The activities and causes that they have supported include fun runs, bake sales, talent shows, coffee mornings, creating Christmas hampers for the homeless and fundraising for local charities.

“Caring, compassion and empathy are essential health and social care skills,” added Ozmah, who teaches at City Campus, on Granville Road, and Hillsborough Campus on Livesey Street. “I am so proud of my students who have shown a strong willingness to help others and made a positive difference to their local communities.”

The Good for Me Good for FE Awards celebrate the outstanding fundraising and volunteering being carried out by staff and students in the further education sector.
 The winners were announced during an online ceremony attended by 200 people on 31st October 2023.

Dr Sam Parrett CBE, Group Principal and Chief Executive Officer, London South East Colleges, said: “We are absolutely delighted to be celebrating such wonderful achievements from all corners of the UK.

“Good for Me Good for FE has been hugely successful, thanks to the hard work of so many people. It has demonstrated how colleges truly are anchor institutions and the immense value they add to their communities beyond simply delivering qualifications.

“Volunteering is so valuable. As well as helping people in need, it supports young people to develop crucial life and employment skills, such as communication and teamwork, which are vital for successful progression and job outcomes.

“Colleges truly are the nuclei of their communities, with social action embedded right through them. I am so proud to be part of such a wonderful sector; it’s important to recognise this and celebrate together in this way. Many congratulations to all our winners and a huge thank you to all our judges.”

The awards judging panel included FE Commissioner Shelagh Legrave CBE DL, Dame Sally Dicketts, David Hughes CBE (AoC), David Gallagher (NCFE), Lesley Davies CBE (CIFE), Phil Packer MBE, Shakira Martin, Dr Katerina Kolyva and Dannii Donovan.

Pictured: Award-winning Ozmah Khan has been hailed a volunteering hero.

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