Hair & Beauty L1

Start Date
Course Course
Hair & Beauty
City Campus

About this Course

This qualification will enable students to develop the practical hair and beauty skills and techniques required to plan a mood board and create an image.

Key Units

Key areas of study:

  • Face Painting
  • Make-up
  • Plaiting
  • Shampoo and Blowdry
  • Additional units may be included if suitable progress is made

Entry Requirements

4 GCSEs grades A* - E / grade 2 and above (or acceptable alternatives), including English Language.


The course is mostly assessed by coursework therefore you need to have good time management skills and be able to work to targets and deadlines. Practical assessments will be carried out in the salon in a realistic salon setting.

Underpinning knowledge will be assessed by written work throughout the academic year.

Where does this Lead

It is recommended that for a career in the Beauty Therapy, hairdressing or media make-up industry you progress on to our Level 2 qualification or our Level 2 Barbering qualification.

Future Opportunities

Students who study in this area may enter careers such as:

  • Hairdresser/Barber
  • Beautician/Aesthetician
  • Make-up Artist
  • Nail Technician

Tell Me More

This course is ideal for students who need to develop social skills and would like a career in the beauty, hairdressing or media make-up industry. You need to have physical stamina as you are often on your feet all day. You need some artistic flair and a positive attitude.

Extra Costs

You will be asked to purchase a uniform which must be worn at all times when in the salon. In addition to this you must wear full black shoes, have your hair securely tied up in a bun, short clean nails and no nail varnish, gel polish or nail extensions, one pair of stud earrings and a wedding band only.

You will also need to have a professional kit that must be brought to every practical session.  

You may be eligible to receive support for items such as these through the Student Support Fund

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