Award in Education and Training Level 3

Start Date
Course Course
Teaching & Education
City Campus

About this Course

The Level 3 Award in Education and Training (AET) course is an introduction to teaching that will give an insight into the roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training. This course is suitable if you currently work or are hoping to work as a teacher/trainer/tutor in Further Education Colleges, adult and community education. It provides with an opportunity to professionalise your role as a Trainer/Tutor. The qualification will enable you to plan and deliver inclusive teaching and training sessions, how to assess learning and provide constructive feedback. This qualification is delivery is classroom based with full tutor support throughout the course. The course materials can be accessed from anywhere through our student portal. Our courses are designed with a holistic approach that is convenient and intuitive.

Key Units

The Level 3 Award in Education and Training is not a teaching qualification - it is an introduction to teaching that will give an insight into the roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training, how to plan and deliver inclusive teaching/training sessions and how to assess and give constructive and developmental feedback.

Who is this course for? 
Level 3 Award in Education & Training Course is especially tailored for those requiring formal training qualifications to be an approved trainer/tutor. It provides a stepping stone to enable you to gain formal Teaching and Assessing qualifications. With this qualification, you will be able to teach any adult in industry and a variety of sectors. 

This course is suitable if you work or want to work as a teacher/trainer/tutor in Further Education Colleges, adult and community education. The beauty industry, private training centres, voluntary sector, commerce, and industry whose role require them to deliver training. Public sector employees in the NHS, Police, Ambulance, Paramedic and Fire Service who deliver and facilitate training and CPD. 

Additionally, those work in delivering training, learning and staff development in Care Homes or as a Community Care instructors, Driving Instructors, Special Needs Education, Education Advisers Veterinarians, First Aid sector and many more. 

There are three units:
  • Unit 301 Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training
  • Unit 302 Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training
  • Unit 305 Understanding assessment in education and training
This corresponds to three written assignments and one practical 'microteach' session. You will also be expected to maintain an Individual Learning Plan, which will contribute to a reflective journal.

Entry Requirements

  • Candidates are required to have evidence of at least a Level 3 qualification within the area in which they will teach/train if they are to progress into teaching in the further education and skills sector
  • Candidates must have evidence of or be working towards Functional Skills English Level 2 and/or GCSE English Language Grade C/4
  • Candidates must complete an initial assessment in English and Maths
  • Candidates must be 19+

Where does this Lead

The qualification allows candidates to progress into the following qualifications:

  • Level 3 Assessment and Quality Assurance (City and Guilds)
  • Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (City and Guilds)
  • Level 5 Certification in Education (click here for more info)
  • Level 7 Post Graduate Degree in Education (click here for more info)

Future Opportunities

Typically students who complete this course go on to pursue careers as teachers/trainers.

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Further Information
There is no car parking available on site for daytime sessions but there may be for the evening sessions. Parking is limited around City Campus and this should be considered in your journey time. There is plenty of public transport available - please visit the Travel South Yorkshire website for more information.

Classes are delivered on Tuesday evenings between 5:30pm - 9:00pm.

How to Apply
If you are interested in applying for this course, please click ‘Click to apply’ above and fill in the application form.

For further details about the course please contact

Extra Costs

The course fee is £495 with an option to pay in three instalments.

Once you have enrolled there is no opportunity to obtain a refund, fully or partially, other than in exceptional circumstances.

Please note that the Award in Education & Training is a full cost course, which means there is no fee remission available, regardless of your personal circumstances.

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