Sport Coaching & Development L3

Start Date
Course Course
Hillsborough Campus

About this Course

This is an academic sports course providing a pathway to a range of sport-based degrees at university. Students will study a variety of units such as anatomy and physiology, fitness testing, skill acquisition, sports coaching and leadership. The course comprises both classroom and practical, sport-based learning and features various assessment methods that will prepare you for further academic study.

Key Units

12 units (of which seven are mandatory) which include the following:

  • Careers in the Sport and Active Leisure Industry
  • Health, Wellbeing and Sport Research
  • Project in Sport (Pearson-set)
  • Developing Coaching Skills
  • Applied Coaching Skills
  • School Sport Delivery 
In addition to the above units, you will be expected to complete a work placement of at least 60 hours, working within the sports industry. This will be related to a chosen career outcome which could include teaching, coaching, fitness, personal training, gym instructing, sport coaching and development. 

Entry Requirements

For the Extended Diploma
5 GCSEs at grade A* - C / grade 4 or above (or acceptable alternatives), including English Language and Maths.

For the Diploma
4 GCSEs at grade A* - C / grade 4 or above (or acceptable alternatives), including either English Language or Maths.


  • Assessment
  • Coursework
  • Practical assessments
  • Research Project

Where does this Lead

On completion of this course students can apply for Level 4 (university level) courses, including our own Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching & Exercise.

Future Opportunities

Career opportunities may include

  • Sports coach
  • PE Teacher
  • Sport Development Officer

Tell Me More

While studying on this course students will have the opportunity to volunteer at a range of sports events, represent the college in national sports competitions, get involved in an NCS residential and outdoor adventurous activities and have the opportunity to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award.

Extra Costs

Students are required to cover the cost of their own DBS check. You are also advised to purchase a college kit/uniform which is approximately £150.

Additionally, some activities (e.g. NCS, Duke of Edinburgh) may incur a cost.

Students in financial hardship may be eligible to apply to the Student Support Fund for assistance with course related expenses. 

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