The STEM Careers consist of 3 A levels with the option of 4 different pathways. There will be two core subjects depending on the pathway you choose: Forensic Pathway - BTEC Applied Science and Criminology (No third choice for this pathway), Environmental Pathway - Biology and Geography, Medical Pathway - Biology and Chemistry or STEM Pathway - Maths and Physics. You will also choose a third from the following for all but the Forensic Pathway: A Level Psychology, BTEC Psychology, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Computer Science.
The STEM Careers consist of 3 A levels with the option of 4 different pathways. Two core subjects depending on the pathway you choose:
Standard Entry Requirements for 3 A levels:
Progression routes could include further study at university or careers in:
Students aged 18 will be required to have an interview as part of the application process.
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