ALevels STEM Career

Start Date
Course Course
A Levels
City Campus

About this Course

The STEM Careers consist of 3 A levels with the option of 4 different pathways. There will be two core subjects depending on the pathway you choose: Forensic Pathway - BTEC Applied Science and Criminology (No third choice for this pathway), Environmental Pathway - Biology and Geography, Medical Pathway - Biology and Chemistry or STEM Pathway - Maths and Physics. You will also choose a third from the following for all but the Forensic Pathway: A Level Psychology, BTEC Psychology, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Computer Science.

Key Units

The STEM Careers consist of 3 A levels with the option of 4 different pathways.  Two core subjects depending on the pathway you choose:

Environmental Pathway - Biology and Geography
Medical Pathway - Biology and Chemistry
STEM Pathway - Maths and Physics

Choose a third from the list below for all but the Forensic Pathway:
  • A Level Psychology
  • BTEC Psychology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Maths
  • Computer Science

On A Level Biology you will study a wide range of key elements, such as human, animal and plant cells; biological molecules, genetics and ecology. You will also cover an ecology module, look at evolution, and explain the immune response in infectious disease as well as looking at non-infectious diseases such as coronary heart disease.

Chemistry is the science of the structure, properties and reactions of matter. It is a basic science, key to an understanding of the world we live in and a practical science with an enormous number and variety of important applications. This A Level course will develop on the key areas studied at GCSE level, and will prepare you to apply this knowledge at university level or in a practical setting.

On the A Level Physics course you will build on your current knowledge of science and physics, and expand your learning into more complex areas, including particle matter, quantum phenomena and electricity. You will look at particles and quantum phenomena, electricity, mechanics, materials and waves. Then you will delve into further mechanics before exploring the fascinating areas of nuclear physics, medical imaging techniques, thermal physics and astrophysics. As well as your theoretical learning you will develop investigative and practical skills as you apply that learning to experimental applications. This hands-on approach encourages an appreciation of the big picture in physics and aids in the development of rational thinking.

For more information about all of our A level subjects visit

Entry Requirements

Standard Entry Requirements for 3 A levels:

A minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English Language and Maths.

Please see individual A-level entry requirements:

Where does this Lead

Progression routes could include further study at university or careers in:

  • Medicine
  • Veterinary Science
  • Genetics
  • Forensic Science
  • Ecology
  • Agriculture

Tell Me More

Students aged 18 will be required to have an interview as part of the application process.

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